Nonprofit Mastermind Podcast

The Powerful Myth That Could Be Stalling Your Nonprofit Growth

September 06, 2022
The Powerful Myth That Could Be Stalling Your Nonprofit Growth
Nonprofit Mastermind Podcast
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Nonprofit Mastermind Podcast
The Powerful Myth That Could Be Stalling Your Nonprofit Growth
Sep 06, 2022

There is a common and pervasive myth about what fuels the sustainable, non-overwhelming expansion of impact and budget. So many of our decisions and priorities and actions as we grow are driven by this myth: That the key to growing to $1M+ is simply more and better fundraising. In this episode, I work to dispel this pernicious myth by showing that once you hit the mid-six figures, growing your organization in a way that doesn’t lead to implosion and burnout is not just about raising more money. 

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • The three elements of a healthy and sustainable nonprofit, 
  • What it looks like to be intentional about those 3 critical elements, and  
  • How these elements work together to drive and sustain growth without overwhelm. 

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Other Ways To Enjoy This Podcast 

  • YouTube: Check us out on YouTube! 
  • Download the Architecture of Impact Toolkit for actionable worksheets based on the podcast at:

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Join The Collective, a membership community for nonprofit leaders who want to scale their budget and impact, & let's set your nonprofit on a path to strategic and sustainable growth!

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Show Notes

There is a common and pervasive myth about what fuels the sustainable, non-overwhelming expansion of impact and budget. So many of our decisions and priorities and actions as we grow are driven by this myth: That the key to growing to $1M+ is simply more and better fundraising. In this episode, I work to dispel this pernicious myth by showing that once you hit the mid-six figures, growing your organization in a way that doesn’t lead to implosion and burnout is not just about raising more money. 

In this episode, you will learn: 

  • The three elements of a healthy and sustainable nonprofit, 
  • What it looks like to be intentional about those 3 critical elements, and  
  • How these elements work together to drive and sustain growth without overwhelm. 

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“This podcast is heaven-sent. Grateful!!”  
"Brilliant podcast! Rich & valuable content!" 
⬆️ ⬆️ If these resonate with you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — build and lead an organization that brings them joy.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, I invite you to share the podcast with friends! You can share this link: 

Other Episodes Mentioned:

Other Ways To Enjoy This Podcast 

  • YouTube: Check us out on YouTube! 
  • Download the Architecture of Impact Toolkit for actionable worksheets based on the podcast at:

Want to work together?

Join The Collective, a membership community for nonprofit leaders who want to scale their budget and impact, & let's set your nonprofit on a path to strategic and sustainable growth!

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